Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Dream

We just got back from morning worship services. Teri is inside preparing a meal. Sam is out here in the coach with me, now spunky as ever. The folks would hardly let us leave after services this morning. Very friendly, as they should be. Teri and I enjoy visiting this congregation. On of the fella, Dink Ward, was raised in Dudley. For those of you not familiar with our home, Dudley is across the ditch from Dexter, in Southeast Mo. Another older gentleman would not let me leave, wanting to hear about my Mustang. He had owned 12 Mustangs. He is driving a Corvette today and says when we come back that it is mine to use. Oh yes. These are the kind of Christians I like hanging out with. He was serious too. Dink and his wife wanted to take us to lunch but we needed to get back here to teri's parent's. Next trip, we should be taken care of, ha.
Meeting folks like this along the way is what traveling in a motor home is all about for Teri and me. We love people. People along my way made my present lifestyle possible. traveling in a motor home for extended periods of time is not for everyone. Many folks would not enjoy this at all. Many years ago I dreamed of traveling the states before I die. I never imagined that I could afford to do it in a motor home with 3 dollar fuel prices. I never paid a lot of attention to folks in motor homes because I figured I would never be able to do it so why waste my time, kind of like flying an airplane. Well, as I grew older, things changed, I got to listening to folks talk about their travels. Aunt Ruby would share her experiences with me. There was a little filcker of hope that we might get into a motor home if I worked long enough. Then I discovered I did not need to work that long to enjoy this lifestyle if I did things right. I never really ever lived up to my "means". Meaning, I had more money that I spent. Did not need new cars the last few years. Did not need a fancy home. So, maybe I did not need a new motor home.
To make a long story shorter, ee got into this GMC thing. Spent 3 years rebuilding it up to our standards. Set a retirement date. Paid extra on everything we owed so as to have it paid off and owe no one. TAXES and INSURANCE go on forever. Accomplished our goal, and now here we are. We will have seen every state west of the Mississippi when we get home, Teri and me. That is, if we can cut the southwest corner of North Dakota on our way to Omaha. What I could not get paid off got sold. We never had intentions of using this coach for weekends at the lake, altough we did a few of them to get it figured out. We got it to travel and that is what we are doing. Enjoying every minute of it. You could not do what we are doing any cheaper. Oh, we spent money here and there to help the coach along but we really only paid for full hookups two nights, so far. That was just for convience. Fuel and food expense is what we have. We stay put for a while and drive the car. It gets 30 mpg plus. Also have the scooter to ride. We have put more miles on the car than we have the motor home since we left home in May. We could not drive everyday in the motor home. Would have been broke in first 30 days. But we can go from place to place in it and easily afford that. Much cheaper than motels for over 3 months.
Anyway, all said just to get you to thinking. If you have some kind of dream, work toward it. Don't put it off any longer than you have to. Pay your stuff off early. Money is not everything and you will not live long enough to get all you want. Life is short. Enjoy what you can. Be faithful to The lord and He will take care of you.
Come again and bring your friends. Dan


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