Friday, October 26, 2012

Mr. Onan

Here is the old exhaust pipe running down to the muffler. There is a hole rusted through near the top. Not good. We rarely use the Onan with our solar. However, sometimes we do use it to run the roof air when traveling in warm weather. This kinda scared me.

Here is another bad spot in the pipe. These have only recently burned through. I heard a noise and this is what I found. I recently replaced the motor mounts on the Onan and that's when I saw the damage.

At Amana, Tom Hampton had the ready made setup so I grabbed it.

Not so easy to remove old pipe from maniflold after so many years.

A better look at the bottom hole. I don't like fire while running down the hiway. Many of you know that we had a fire in the coach and it was not fun.

What it looked like when I got it off.

Not a good clamp. Took it off and decided to use the old one instead. This new pipe has a bushing in it to reduce the size to fit the manifold. Makes it hard to tighten.

Woops, as you can see, not an exact bolt up.

Never fear. My son in law is a machinist. Put him to work on it. He made me a piece so I can use a stainless clamp to hold the thing on. Have been too sick and injured, from a car wreck, to get it on. But, I will do it in a few days.
Oh, I forgot. Got the Vibe really messed up and twisted my back. My son in law is going to fix the Vibe and use it as a car to drive back and forth to work. We don't need it right now and I don't feel like fixing the rear axle. It was pretty much knocked out of it by a Denali doing 50 mph.
Hope everyone is doing ok. Life is pretty good here. I have been sick since Monday and now have a cold settled in my chest. But, will improve shortly.


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