Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bernie Missouri Car Show

Here is my buddy today. Colsyn helped us finish up the interior last night and this morning. Then he and I washed the bug. the tinted pop out rear windows were put in Thursday by me and Colsyn's sister, Marci Claire.

Here is a shot of the fold up inside trunk. I think it looks pretty good. Teri worked on the carpet til after dark last night while I held the flashlight. This will keep the interior looking much nicer. There is a huge storage area under the lift up.

You can see the new carpet here along with the stainless steel gaurds that will keep us from ripping the carpet loose when we bump it getting in and out of the car.

Here we are at the Bernie Car Show. Some nice looking rides there, even in the heat.

A couple of real trailer queens.

We saw at least a half a dozen yellow cars. Glad Teri made me get the yellow off the bug.

Colsyn sitting up in the tree singing. He was in the rest room singing. A lady came out laughing as she could hear him over in the women's side. The boy can sing.

We had a few lookers around the bug.
Was very hot at the show. Colsyn and I stayed about 2 hours and cut a trail. I am using an inhaler and the heat does not help me much. He and I are about to take the coach up to the church camp and hook it up. I will be staying in it next week.
Hope yall are enjoying your weekend as much as we are. Thanks for checking in with us.


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