Thursday, August 26, 2010

Geocaching Eureka Springs

This is Marci Claire. She is our 5 year old granddaughter. Now, does she look like a kid that enjoys bossing grandpa? I can't believe it, I have two bosses this trip. I told MC she needs to side with grandpa occassionally. She loves this geocaching thing.

There were two of these little guys out here this morning. I could not get any closer. Never did see their mom.
Teri and Marci Claire having a little school session early this morning. She is home schooled.

And the fun begins Out hunting today.We found a cache right in the edge of the woods here. After that we ate our lunch that Teri packed for us.

Look at that one.Teri lets nothing stop her when she is looking for one of these things.

I found this one.It is the top of a plastic bottle cut from the neck of the bottle. Then some kind of resin is used to seal the bottom and a magnet is inside the resin. The top is screwed back on, with the log inside. We have found tow of these. Good cheap cache.

At the old train station in town.

Here is Marci Claire grabbing the last one of the afternoon before coming back to the GMC for a nap, or so I thought. She is swimming instead. Hoping we can go chase some more of these this evening. It is a great way to be your own tour guide. We have seen lots of neat stuff here in Eureka Srpings already. The camera just does not grasp it so I can upload what we see. Last evening I did sneak up on an Armidillo I have a good picture that I will upload later.
I am not proof reading these as I have to sneak time when I can get it. So, if you see typo's, skip over them. We are having way too much fun for me to be taking time out to share this but that is some of my fun.
Catch you maybe tonight. More vdubs showing up today.


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