Monday, September 17, 2007

Friends and Ice Cream

What could be better than visiting with your friends over a bowl of ice cream? That is what we did this evening. There is always ice cream at these gatherings, all one can eat. I like this and always look forward to the ice cream socials. Good ice cream is worth good money, however here we get it with our registration fee. I can put it away. I wish we had taken the camera tonight but I could not find it and thought Teri had it. We have several kinds of ice cream available with all of the hot chocolate syrip we can pour in our bowls. Our friends, they don't need anything from us but just a visit and a friendly chat. Teri and I always make a lot of new frineds at these rallies. These are long lasting relationships. Many of the friends that we visited on this trip have been ones that we met at one of these rallies. Everyone has one of these classic GMC class A coaches so there is the common thread. With that in mind we can just walk up to folks, start talking GMC and then drift off into some useful, friend building, conversations. One of our number fell a couple nights ago and broke his neck, while inside his coach. He was to have surgery today. Teri and I want to go visit him before we leave. He is in a local hospital. This older gentleman is a full timer, meaning he has no house. He lives in his GMC coach. His wife passed away 3 years ago and he has no other family. It seems that the GMC bunch is his only family. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Well, that is pretty much it for today. I was busy all day and did not get time to take any photos, maybe Tuesday. Heurry back. Dan


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