Thursday, July 3, 2008

Another Long Day

Hey, see who does all the work around here? Yea, you knew all along that I was being taken advantage of. Oh well, the party is tomorrow so it should be a day of rest and enjoying the visiting. I just hope I am not elected to crank the ice cream maker. That would be a bummer for sure. I mean, haven't these folks heard of electric ice cream makers.

Folks are now arriving. This is a slick coach and the owner enjoys fixing up the ole GMC. Inside looks as good or better than the outside. I might sneak a few pictures tomorrow of the interior. He has taken out the Onan and has a Yamaha 2800 in it's place. I am going to get him to slide it out Friday so I can see it. Says it will run the a/c.

Yep, this group loves to eat. Tonite it was all you can eat Chinese. Last night it was Mexican. Tomorrow we will be eating all day. Oh boy,o enjoy life. I will have to give up eating after the party for a week if I want to keep wearing my pants.
All jokes aside, we are enjoying our visit with the Curtis'. A great couple who enjoy, their GMC motor coach, and being with their friends. They put on a great feast every 4th of July for family. This is our second year in a row so I guess they can at least tolerate our presence and don't mind us mingling with their family. For the food, I don't mind being the butt of all of Bert's jokes. Hey, someone has to do all of this, why not me?
Yall have a great 4th. Come back when your too full to do anything else and see what we get into Friday.
P.S. You GMCers, don't forget that the specials on parts runs through Saturday, just don't call before noon.


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