Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Grandkids and Rv ing

How many of you have taken your grandkids on a trip with you? I mean longer than a weekend at the lake? Kids are out of school for 3 months in the summer, could you handle one or two of them for the entire summer? I think Teri and I could. Our problem is that the parents can't let them go for that long. I understand that. We have some that are preschool age. I know we could handle them for extended lengths of time. The problem is the parents, ha. I still wonder why we could not have had our grandkids first. Wouldn't that make so much more sense? They seem to be starving for the words that we shower on them. Nothing we do makes them upset, for long anyway. They want to be like their grandpa or grandma. The grandkids love sitting in the motorhome and pretending to drive it down the road. What an impressionable group. We need to stay involved in their lives for as long as we can.
What is the problem with parents anyway? Well, they are concerned about making a living. They want to give their kids what their parents gave them, materially speaking. Most of the time both are working so time is precious. Allowing the television to babysit in the evenings is not a good idea. Not knowing who they hang out with at school is not a good idea. Allowing teenagers to just hang around the house doing whatever they wish, is not a good idea. Don't you think grandparents could write a book on how to bring up children?
It seems as we get older we can see where our mistakes were and the ones our children are making. I did not want to hear about it from my dad and my kids do not want to hear about it from me.
I have been watching Dave Ramsey on the Fox Buisness channel some. Last night his show was a special for the kids. My dad could have written his script for last night. "Don't give your kid an allowance. The kids should work on commission". That is how it was at my home as a kid. The only difference was at my home, I went in the "hole" at the end of the week if I was not careful. Being raised on a farm gave us lots of chores. There was never a time when we did not have things to occupy our time. We worked hard and we played hard. Our parents taught us what a "dollar" was. We knew about saving the hard earned money that came along.
Now, I just wish I could raise my grandkids while the parents take care of other things, like money, ha. I mean, I would teach them valuable things. Dumping the rv. That would be first. Filling the water tank. Vacuuming the living area. Changing the oil and greasing the coach. Maintaining all of the house electrical systems. Keeping the roof clean. Watching the lp tank level. I would teach them all of the things that a good grandparent needs to know so that one of these days they can pass this information along. My grandkids would be well rounded when I got finished with them. We might even find time to catch a fish or two.
Oh yes, being a grandparent is a tough job, but we must hold firm. Someone has to do it so it might as well be us.
Mostly written in jest, of course. Hope everyone has a great day. I love Wednesdays.


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