Pictures Along Our Way
Here is where we were parked in Roscoe. Just can not say enough good about the folks who attend services here.We left Roscoe before daylight. Teri took this picture of the blinking lights.
Just a couple of minutes later you can see what the lights are. These wind turbines are everywhere along I-20 from just east of Sweetwater to a ways west of Roscoe. I love seeing that they continue to put up more. Just a few years back there were some on the south side of I-20
around Sweetwater. Now, like I said, they are everywhere. I hope they make lots of electricity.
Oh yea, here is proof. The speed limit in West Texas is 80 mph. I was doing 55 and hugging the right shoulder as folks blew by us. Now, if I was in the car, we would be doing at least 80. I love this. We saw troopers out here and they were stopping folks. I could not believe it. Maybe they were doing 90. I had to laugh. Give us 10 mph and we want 20.
When we see this sign we know that we are almost here. You can see the mountains in the background, just barely as they are covered with clouds. The snow was coming and we could see it.
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