Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I think we are about ready to pull out of here. Alonzo plans to fix a slight leak in one of our air bags in the morning. He replaced a seal in my 355 final drive this afternoon and I got the oil changed. It sure is a lot easier when it is upon Jim's rack. Wish I had one of these in my driveway at home. The line lock is in place so I will have a parking brake that works. Our old one never would hold even though I had replaced everything.
A short test drive was done by me this morning. Check the tracker and you can see where I went and how fast. The coach drives as good as it did when I came. I told them I expected no improvements in the steering but wanted it as good as it was when I arrived. They did not let me down. The brakes work super. When I hit them a little hard the coach now squats in the rear with no nosediving. That seemed wierd but I can get used to it. We got brakes now. We will not tow the car for the first 200 miles so the brakes can get all seated in. Check the tracker where I came off 880 onto the off ramp and then right before the stop sign, up top of ramp. I was not trying to slam it but you can see we slowed in a hurry.
Maybe I can sneak out in the dark as I have not paid Jim yet. Oh, I would never do that. I need that air leak stopped. Maybe that's why they did not fix it today.
Oh, take a look at the new link at the top of the blog. We are selling rv led lights that actually work. They also put out light like your old lights, with little current draw on the batteries. If you dry camp much you know that you need as little current draw from the house batteries as possible. So, look around on the website. If you have questions, email me. Jim K. will also be selling them here at the store.
Along those same lines, we took our meter to Walmart last week and bought a new 19 inch flat screen that draws half the amperage as the old one. We can now live forever with no electricity as long as the sun shines every 2nd or 3rd day. Life is good.
Ride with us Wednesday. We have had a blast here, as we always do. I sold a few parts at cost while Jim was gone, don't tell him. If you needed a deal I was here to give you one, this past week. Prices are back to normal Wednesday.
See yall down the road.
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