Happy Grandsons
It rained all night and is still raining now as I sit in Super 8 parking lot uploading this stuff here in Logansport. Am hoping for better weather Thurs so I am waiting to head south. What is the hurry anyway. A retired guy should be in no hurry, even tho he has been gone 4 months plus, from home. Teri is not coming home til next weekend so another day together. I like that.
I had a photo of my back yard from a neighbor. Seems it burned somehow. Just glad the house is still there. Will investigate that when I get home this weekend.
I do not expect to have wifi before I get home so may be Saturday when I get back on here. Teri will keep the camera so I wont have any photos until she arrives. I will then put more up. I think I can scan through some that I have omitted and find more interesting ones when I am at home, not on the side of the road looking for wifi.
So, everyone have a great day. Sam and I will leave early in the morning for Blaine's, 100 miles south of here. Work on the coach and head home Friday or Saturday. Will be about a 300 mile ride down mostly I-57 to the house. Hope to see you then and I really do appreciate everyone riding along with us on the 4 month, plus, trip in our GMC motor home. Dan
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