Wednesday, February 16, 2011
So, I get back here and call the number on my insurance card. I want to talk with someone about my tow bill "overage" that I paid out of my pocket. I get this kid named Fabian. Might as well have been listening to a message machine. I let the guy put me in a bad frame of mind. That is not good so I am trying to adjust my thinking a bit. I have an agent in Mo. who has been good to me. I stayed with them for 20 years. My agent retired. The owner of the agency has no time for me. We will be finding a new agent soon. I will interview a couple or three when we get home. One's insurance is only as good as the agent you deal with.
So, how does a guy keep his mind straight when someone or something gets to him? I think about old days, and those to come. When I was a kid I had the best grandfather a kid could have. He did not have money but he had time for me. He was a real character too. You wonder why I am like I am? Now you know.
Anyway, granddad used to reach over and slap grandma on the butt when I was watching. I know he did it just so he could hear her say" Now Hoyt, cut that out. You know better than that. Besides Danny is right there.". Granddad would look at me, 6 years old, and just laugh. Well, I love keeping my grandkids. I mean, there are no people on earth like one's grandkids. Wish we could have had them without their parents.
I get this call, from more than one daughter, "dad, what did you tell my kid?". Hmmm, how do I respond to something like that? I mean, I have a real problem with lying, I just can't do it. If I did, it would show all over me anyway. So, "what are you talking about?" MC said you told her/him that grana spanks you and you like it". Oh boy, did I say that? Yea I said it. Did I mean it in any bad way? No. It was funny at the time but not now. I tell the kids that we better quiten down or grana will come in and give us a spanking. " Does grana spank you grandpa?" "Yea and I like it when she does". That just popped out of my mouth.
We all have at least one talent. he only real talent I possess is a big mouth. Just ask Teri. I can keep a secret, I hate gossip, well maybe just a little gossip is ok, I can be your most loyal friend, but sometimes I just can't keep my tongue from running away with itself. Grandkids tell, just in case you did not realize that. They tell not only their parents, they tell anyone who cares to listen. I mean this got around. Teri was embarrassed. Teri always tells me to keep my mouth shut when I have one or two of the grandkis with me. That is tough.
So, in Mo. a kid has to be about 5 feet tall to not sit in a booster seat. Teri just barely passes that one. I have only one passenger seat in the vdub. Sometimes I have 2 kids, both a bit shorter than 5 ft. Their uncle is a local cop. I get a call, from my daughter, "dad, what is this quacking the kids are doing in the car?" Hmmm, busted again. We have this code word. If any of us in the vdub see a cop, we shout "quack". That means all kids must duck below the windows so as not to be seen from the outside. It seems 3 kids were driving their mom nuts with their quacking on their way home from grandpa's. See why Teri reminds me to keep quiet in front of the kids?
Ok, I am quiet this time. One of the kids wants to take the vdub out over the "bellyachers". That is their word for a local road that has some pretty neat "jumps", 7, on it. I used to jump my car on "seven sisters" when I was 16. So, off we go. I am extremely careful with our grandkids. I never cause the wheels to come off the road, but the kid felt like we left the ground. Oh yea, phone rings, "dad, Ry says yall jumped the vdub off the ground on seven sisters". Nope. Did not happen. Kids do lie sometimes.
I am back in Tucson with the coach. You can see where it sits. I will be sleeping up there. Sure glad that I gave up sleepwalking some time ago. Teri is in Duncan at our daughter's house. I was displacing our 14 year old granddaughter from her room and I just could not do that over one night. She and Teri can share the room if I am here. I have the phone so I can call her when I get lonesome. We are thinking a week here, if the engine arrives soon.
Teri and I are the most blessed couple. I have told you that often. I have had folks call or email and offer to send money. I can't do that. My dad taught me to be self sufficient. Never get into something that you can't get yourself out of, by yourself. I try to live by that rule. It is very hard for me to accept help from anyone. I do enjoy helping others but, it just is not a two way street with me. Just how I am.
I do take all of the prayers I can get. I need those for sure. Sitting here in the shop and enjoying being out of the hot sun. We have roaring engines here to and that is sweet music to my ears.
Check back with me to see how I take care of myself. Not used to that. Teri is responsible for my daily care, normally.
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