Monday, June 6, 2011

Like A Horse Heading For The Barn

One guess why that young man is smiling.

Resting up before we take the 25 mile tour through the country side.

I have several more photos for my Vdub friends.

Here we go Friday afternoon. I suspect we had 100 plus vdubs in this thing. The troopers held traffic for us. There were folks waiting in their yards just waving as we went by. I always enjoy this run. Did not have my own personal photographer with me this year so this is the only shot I got of the tour.

This is one slick and smooth looking bug. Notice, no door handles.

We got to watch a 2 day build of a Manx dune buggy. I learned even the pros have problems.

Lots of nice looking vehicles. I wish I had gotten more pictures of the buses. We had to park seperatly this year so I was not with them at night.

Colsyn's shirt blends right in. We picked him up a t shirt to match the one grandpa had that portrayed the vdub rally.

Lots of nice paint.

It looked like more buggies this year to me.

I suspect this one will hold the front wheels in the air as long as the owner is not scared.

These guys were in a contest to see who had the loudest sounding vdub. the crowd did the voting. I can make no sense of this. One guy locked one up last year.

Some of the best lining up.

Here you go. When we got home Colsyn had a rabbit to play with. These things are all over our yard and seem not to be afraid of humans.
I rolled out of bed at 530 am Sunday. Grabbed a quick shower and pointed the GMC toward Dexter. We missed the rain and had sun all the way home. The GMC never slowed down, it was a non stop 210 mile run. Reminds me of a horse we once had. We had to beat the thing to get him to run when going away from home. He knew when we headed home, how I don't know. He would run all the way to the barn, sometimes 5 miles, and never slow down. Could not make that thing stop. I have jumped off with him running to save my neck.
Anyway, the weekend with Colsyn at the vdub fest was a great one. I hope he remembers it for a long time to come. He did not roll out of bed Sunday morning til we were half way home. Made it back to Dexter in time for church.
The GMC will be in use again this weekend. Come and take a ride with us. The tracker will be on. Hope to get some good pics to post.
I pick Teri up at the St Louis airport Wed evening. I will be so glad to have her back after 3 weeks.
Should you look on our website for an led that you can't find or have questions, just email me. I can help you with it. I also do them for the festoon fixtures. They are not on the website.
gregg_dan at


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