Rainy Weekend
This morning, about 1030, something was waking me up. I could not quite figure out just what that noise was. Oh, the phone. My friend Jim, "you up?" Sure I said. He needed me to help him out. Had to take a pickup over to Poplar Bluff to get new tow brackets installed. First we needed to pick up his motorhome from the Chevy dealer and take it home. That went well so we headed over to Poplar Bluff. 10 miles this side I saw smoke just balling out the back of the truck he was driving, up in front of me.. I called him and he pulled over. Transmission fluid just pouring out the bottom. We went up a mile and got some tranny fluid, put a quart in, and headed back home with it. Just made it to Chevy place and smoke was all over the place. Left it there and went to eat lunch. Came back to our home and grabbed Teri's car and off we went again. Made it this time. Stopped at the truck center to see about getting the motorhome frontend lined and saw an old friend of mine. We visited and got caught up on 3 years worth. Was great. Jim got his appointment set for the frontend allignment and back home we came, 30 miles. 6 pm he called and we went to supper. His wife is gone too. So, I had two good meals today. We are taking the coach, his, over in the morning and leaving it for the allignment. Who knows, I might get another meal out of it, ha.
Shot this field of flowers for Teri. She loves flowers. This whole field was just full of them.
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