Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Elk

Oh yea, trust me, the elk showed up today and I have no camera. Sam and I snuck up onto the bridge and tiptoed across. There they were. The big Bucks spotted us right off. They raised their heads and showed us their antlers. When those big bucks see us they make sure that the rest of the herd sees us too. They kept their eyes on us. We snuck back across the bridge and waited for Gordon, Sylvia, and their son Brad to get there. Then we all went back across the bridge for a closer look. I will catch them again before I leave. Maybe I can find a camera in a pawn shop or something. I checked in town at Fred Myers today after church. The cheapest one they had was 100 bux. Too much for me right now. I came home and looked on ebay, no bargains there either. So, I headed over to Geeksdotcom. I did not see any that I wanted in the price range I had in mind. So, yall will just have to imagine as I tell you about the sights here.
This afternoon Sam and I visited with our fulltime friends, Gordon and Sylvia. Their son Brad was over visiting from Salem or somewhere. Gordon showed me several possible routes for getting out of here and back to Arizona. I have got to start thinking about getting this coach out of Oregon before it starts getting cold. We had a fire in the pit as we sat and watched a free airshow. Yea, they were releasing balloons at the airport and these guys in puddle jumpers were all over the sky trying to bust the balloons. It was a great show. Also saw two motor powered parachutes over near the mountain. They were just buzzing all over the place. Like to have not figured out what they were. Finally Gordon got out his binoculars and identified them. Probably 6 miles away and about 1000 feet up.
Took the old flat box out of the case this afternoon and tuned it up. Broke the little e string. Did not have another so I strung a b on it and tuned it up high. Worked pretty good. Just Sam as an audience so it does not matter too much. Did it by ear so may not be perfect but sounds pretty good. Have not played in a while so my left finger tips are sore tonight. I saw one of the fiddle players, from the Friday night shin dig in Garibaldi, at church this morning. Had been a year since we visited. Was good to have time to talk before and after church. I did not talk with him at the show as he was busy.
Maybe Monday I will load Sam up and head down to the water fall. It is just down 101 and a bit east of the highway. A great place to visit. No camera but I did put pictures of it up last year on the blog. It will look about the same. If you want to see it go back to August 07 entries. It will be in there.
Hope everyone has a great Monday. I love Mondays you know. May have to wash some clothes. Not my favorite thing to do but I can do it. Come on back when you can. Maybe I will find a camera somewhere and can get more pictures. Thanks for sharing some time with us on a nice cool Sunday evening.


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