What A Find, Lower Box Canyon
Teri spent about 3 hours at the laundromat and I spent over two hours running some grounds and finishing up some engine work on the coach. We felt like we deserved a little r and r. We grabbed Cdub, (Caleb Wayne) our grandson, and hit the road with the gps. Check the tracker, wd0afq-1, to see where we went. Was over 30 miles one way. Over eleven miles from the paved road.Open range. These are twins. The little red one is hard to see. He was getting lunch.
This is where we got out of the car and walked.
Teri and Cdub getting ready for the hunt.
This is the Gila River.
Here they go.
Just look at this.
2 years ago one of the geocachers took a picture of a black bear, right here. We saw no bear but if you zoom the picture you will see some critter footprints.
They have it in sight.
Lookie here. No one had been here since Oct. 06. About 5 miles out we met some folks coming from here. Now, I can hardly believe after all that time we were here within 10 minutes of each other. This cache is in New Mexico.
Going for the grab.
Out she comes.
Cdub can not wait to get the ammo box open.
WOW he says.
The Gila.
Just look at this canyon. Isn't it awesome?
A shot farther away.
Getting ready for the climb back up. We found some Indian stuff here where they ground their food. I took a picture of one but it did not show up real good.
Here they come.
Our path back up in the car.
Back on the highway. We got out of there just before the rain.
What an afternoon. We made some great memories with our 6 year old grandson. This was one of the best finds yet. Took us to a very pretty area that we would never have seen if not for geocaching.
Great shots the last couple days. That's sure some beautiful country out there. I wouldn't have stuck my hand in that crack between the rocks in the summer, without thoroughly checking for rattle snakes first. You should have been safe enough this time of year though.
Keep those good pics coming!
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