Friday, February 12, 2010

More Friends

Lokk at this. It is as sweet as it looks in the photo. The local porter acting up for the picture. He is funny and treats us very nice. Anyway, this little vehicle rolled in this morning and the owner was proud to show it to me. You have 2 years to think about, which year is it?
And, look at this. All the way from Missouri. Randy and his friends stopped to see us this morning. I could not believe it when I got back from taking Teri to wash and found out who was here at the shop. Thanks guys for taking time to come check out Miguel's shop and to say hi to Teri and me. Bring the ladies next trip.

I just had to put this up. Was excited to see a smiling Misouri face this morning and wanted to share it with you. Randy is on the right.
Took the furnace to see about the board. Fella at RV shop wanted 47 bux to tell me the board was bad then sell me a new one at retail. Hmmm, I think I can save the 47 bux and jump it myself. We don't need heat here anyway.
Thanks for checking out our second post of the day. Will likely have a 3rd later on today. Teri and I are going to see what we can get into. Tonight we are staying in a real house.


At February 12, 2010 at 2:43 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Can't see enough of the grill but i think it's a 64. Norm

At February 12, 2010 at 2:51 PM , Blogger Wally and Sue said...

Ranchero is a 65 or 64. What's up with all the old Fords out there.


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