Friday, June 25, 2010

Bootheel Youth Camp, Day 5

Day 5 is here already. I don't like day 5. Everyone must pack up and head back home. The GMC is about to get packed up and back to the house it goes.

It is all about the kids. Wow, we have had such a great group of kids this session. I hate to see them all go their seperate ways.

A group of our leaders as they finish off their last breakfast together.

Early morning gathering.

Colsyn gathering his things to head home, on Thursday. He did not want to go. Of all the kids, Colsyn was the only one to take home injuries this year. Seems he rolled out of his top bunk Wed. night. He sure tore up his lower lip. When they brought him to me, 1230 am, he had a golf ball sized lower lip. Oh boy, what now? Well, that Colsyn is tough. He crawled into bed and finished his dreams about parachutting out of a plane. By the time I delivered him to his mom, he was looking pretty good.

We could not have camp without folks like Clyde. Thanks for doing so much for us.

You can see who the real bosses are up here.

The group at breakfast this morning. It has been fun. Can't wait to see all of the kids agai next summer. They may have not learned a lot but I did.


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